Sunday, April 20, 2008

Weekend Warriors....

Well I am excited to announce that we have officially begun the long road of home improvement projects! I am excited though because most of the work that we are taking on is cosmetic. So at least in the end I am going to have a fine looking end product.
This weekend I was not sure what we were going to work on but my husband just decided to go at the old exterior window in our dining room. We had already taken out the old sliding glass door. Now we wanted the window gone so we can drywall and plaster over it. Well I am proud to say that my dad and Robert did an awesome job framing it out and placing the drywall. It is our goal to buy the tape and the plaster and to cover it this week. But after all this work we still have to do one more thing...pick a paint color!! I think that is going to be the hardest part. :)

So here are some pictures for those of you that are interested!

1). Robert banging out the window frame.

2). He almost has it!3). Framing out the remaining hole.

4). Almost done framing:
5). Getting it into place:

6). Voil`a it is in and we are very to plaster.

7). Here is what the wall looks like from the family room. We are going to start drywalling this whole room in the next 2 weeks or so. I think we might also rip out the laundry room! Stay tuned...

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