Monday, March 31, 2008

I've been a bad blogger

Ok, I am really sorry. I have not updated my blog in a number of days and I apologize for that. I have been extremely busy studying for my securities exam for my job and let me tell you that has just been a lot of fun:( My poor husband is going to know more about options than he has ever wanted to know.

As I mentioned earlier Tess and Robert have bought their new house. Sadly I was unable to help them move into it this past weekend. I bet it is pretty cool to actually live in the house you bought. I will have to ask them how that is seeing as I haven't stayed one night in mine yet.

I miss everyone and I can't wait until May is here. The reason being is that May is when this test will finally end. I will know if I get to keep my job or not. If I fail then I gave it a valiant effort, if I pass well I get to keep my job and continue bringing some money home.

One final update... my niece Haven is starting to teethe. Poor girl, she is in pain and keeping her mother up all night. I feel bad for you Maria. I hope she lets you sleep sometime soon.

1 comment:

CATRINA said...

Nice to see blogs from you. I too have been crazy busy. Moving and then unpacking and getting back to work full time. It is a bit much for my leg. :) Move into your house already!