Saturday, November 1, 2008

Highlights of our Baby Shower!

So here is a picture of our hostess Tess. She did a most excellent job hosting her first baby shower. Greg and I really appreciate everything you did for us!

Here is a picture of our crib that Tessa, Robert and Lauren got for us and the coolest baby bedding ever! Thank you very much to Laurie, Amy and Freddie for getting this for Julian and Greg and I. WE LOVE IT!

Some pretty flower decorations Tess put out.

A game we played called guess the dirty diaper. Can you tell what kind of candy bar that is, or does it just look like nutty baby poop to you? This had everyone laughing!

Here is Halley all dressed up in her pretty party shower dress. She was very tired by the end of the day.

This is a diaper cake that Mary and Maria made for us. Maria was there in spirit, Mary put it together. She did a most excellent job. Everyone was very impressed with it.

Tess created another game called chug the baby bottle and it was just for the boys. She filled three baby bottles and the first one to chug it all won. Robert won!

Haven and uncle Greg. She sure was fun to have at the party. Very entertaining and not shy with anyone. Now if only we could figure out how to train her hair.

A quick shot of all the presents. Take note of the pictures hanging on the wall. They are pictures of large gifts that my family members have gotten Greg and I. We really appreciate their generosity.

The parents to be. Do I look 26 weeks pregnant? Everyone keeps calling me the stealth pregnant lady. :)

And finally the biggest cupcakes you have ever seen in your life. They come from cosco and will quickly put anyone in a diabetic coma.

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