Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Is it Colic?

About a week and a half ago you started to get fussy almost everyday around 8:00 pm. It is like clock work. Some how your body knows what time it is and you start to get very whiny, fussy and sometimes scream very loudly. So the question is, is it Colic? There are very conflicting reports on this. In this day in age people say there is no such thing as colic anymore. Doctors now say it is acid reflux or gerd. Other people insist that there is such a thing as colic. Colic is explained as a condition in which an otherwise healthy baby cries or screams frequently and for extended periods without any discernible reason.

Your father and I don't know what to call it. We just know that the vacuum and an am/fm radio set to a static channel seem to calm you pretty well. That is why your father is sitting next to each of these items. At first your crying really stressed us out. But now that we know when to expect the fits we just know to get the vacuum out at 8:00 pm sharp!

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